
Amenity Information:
Summerfield has many amenities for our residents. The Community Center is equipped with 2 pools, an indoor basketball gym, fitness rooms with weights, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, treadmills, tennis courts, a volleyball court, dog park, playground, pavilion and a new rental hall that can be rented out for special events.
Association Access Cards are issued to Association members who live in the community and non-members who rent or lease property in the community. Association members who do not live in the community are not entitled to an Association Access Card if they have transferred their rights to a tenant.
Amenity Access:
In order to obtain an Association Access Card, the resident must prove residency by providing the following information:
  • New owners must provide a copy of their Warranty Deed, Settlement Statement, or a current Property Tax Bill.
  • Additional members such as minor children are also eligible to receive an Association Access Card if they permanently live here in Summerfield.
  • Adults (20+), not listed as an owner, must present a current Florida Driver's License or Florida ID Card reflecting the same property address as the Summerfield homeowner's residence before an Association Access Card can be issued.
  • Only the owners can add individuals to their property's Index Card once residency has been established.
  • Renters must provide a current executed Lease Agreement from the owner (or the authorized property management company).
  • The lease may be emailed to:
  • Only renters listed on the lease as a tenant will be eligible for Association Access Cards. Renter Access Card will expire on their lease expiration date. A new lease is needed to re-activate renter Access Cards.
  • Each eligible renter receiving an access card will be charged an initial charge of $25.00 for the card; if lost replacement cards are $15.00 each. We can only accept CASH and there are NO REFUNDS.